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Monday, July 17, 2006

Greenery! Uhh...greenery?

Last month, detroitblog had a nice little post about a curious little urban phenomenon: the unintentional roof tree.

You can read it here: The secret garden.

This is yet another quirky little facet of life that Detroit and StL (and Gary, and Camden, and East St. Louis, and other similarly emptied places) hold in common. Even though it pains me to think about what brick and facade trees mean about the health of the host building (and what they'll mean for it when their roots start growin'), they are definitely interesting.

1 comment:

Claire Nowak-Boyd said...

Thanks for the link. Besides the arbortecture, I especially really like the unspectacular doors of St. Louis (although I think some of them are a little too interesting to qualify for that label!).

& "scrappy volunteers" is a nice phrase--that's exactly what they are. I guess these are the kinds of trees that show up in places where "normal" services and people can also be hard to find (which is not a dig--there are a number of ghetto trees attempting to take root in my very backyard right now).