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Monday, March 5, 2007

McEagle Land Acquisitions

McEagle Land Acquisitions, LLC was chartered on February 16.

Will the sundry LC's and LLC's involved in the "Blairmont" project begin selling to this company once the Distressed Area Land Assemblage Tax Credit Act is passed?


Sam, reporting from Jerusalem said...

Wait for it, gated and locked down developments in North City. Lovely isn't it.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what you mean.

Isn't the credit created by a public law of benefit to the common good of Missouri? Laws for private benefit are unconstitutional.

Anonymous said...

If me and my rich friends buy up a bunch of properties as llc's then turn around and sell them to ourselves as different llc's (with you the taxpayer paying 1/2 whatever price we feel like?)... It'll be a really sweet deal! Oh, and I can take as long as I want, cuz the $$$ gets free interest!!!

At least it's for someones benefit.

Anonymous said...

Oh, see, you don't understand -- those people wanted to be strongarmed out of their houses.

Anonymous said...

No, he's been sited up here in the hood. It's not nearly as much fun if you don't get to taste the fear firsthand. And don't forget, he's gettin sugar from the banks that are getting fat on the interest too.

Anonymous said...

Why can't the smaller developers around town who've been reglorifiing our city the last 10 years get in on this deal..? They deserve it, since they've been doing it the hard way all this time...you know, actually repairing and investing in the properties they own, paying much of what could have been profit on interest... (say 20K a building?) and barely scraping a living out of it.

Anonymous said...

Hey, it's just like Web 2.0 - little guys do the work and execs get rich!

Anonymous said...

McKee ought to partner up with McGuire and they can do anything they want with out any city intervention

Anonymous said...

That area is in need of a FULL SCALE GUTTING. There is some historical structures, but for the most part it is blighted. Love it or hate it, this is a good decision and could be a re-birth for the old north city and st. louis city in general.

Anonymous said...

Are you insane? Please, I challenge you, give me one example of a successful, planned urban development. A city (or neighborhood) needs to grow organically. This kind of planned "urban euphoria" in the form of gated communities does absolutely nothing to better the city as a whole and will wound the city as a whole. Why does someone just go to Clayton to meet this secretive developer and drag him into the parking lot by his Brooks Bros. PJ's and.... (fill in the blank)... This kind of development is every bit as detremental as projects like the Crosstown Expressway citizens of NYC defeated 40 years ago.

Want a lesson in the way cities really work? "The Death and Life of Great American Cities" by Jane Jacobs... maybe we could send a copy to Mckee so he can read it on his yacht...