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Thursday, October 20, 2005

The Red Car Drives Away

The little red car behind the cinder block house at 4467 Norfolk in the Adams Grove section of Forest Park Southeast left yesterday, according to neighbors. It first appeared behind the house in August, and would still be there had someone not contacted Neighborhood Stabilization Office head Joe Thele, who actually worked diligently to get the car removed.

Officials of the Forest Park Southeast Development Corporation are on a listserv on which the red car was discussed. Not one of them posted a comment on the car or made an offer to use their clout to resolve the matter.

I guess removing the red car wouldn't further the agenda for Adams Grove: suspension of city services, landbanking and wholesale clearance for new homes built by a suburban-minded developer. Now it's gone, though, which is a small victory for the good people who are still trying to make Adams Grove a liveable part of the neighborhood.

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