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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Missouri State Historic Preservation Office Turns 40

Among Missourians celebrating 40th birthdays this year is the Missouri State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). Believe it or not, Missouri's SHPO was first in the nation to be officially recognized by the Department of the Interior after passage of the federal Historic Preservation Act in 1966. While other states followed soon after, it's reassuring that Missouri was at the head of the pack on preservation. That is no surprise to those who know that today Missouri leads the nation is use of state and federal historic rehabilitation programs. The "Show Me" state has seen the economic benefits and cultural importance of historic preservation for a long time now.

The full story of last week's 40th anniversary celebration is on Landmarks Association of St. Louis' website.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just helped Jake right a paper about this.

It's a sign.