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Friday, November 20, 2009

How Many Louis Sullivan Buildings Can You See from the Ballpark Village Site?

There were those who made the audacious claim that demolition of the San Luis Apartments for a parking lot would "open" up views of the Cathedral on Lindell Boulevard. Were there people who said that demolition of the old Busch Stadium would give the public better views of the tops of the works of Louis Sullivan? If so, they were right.


kristan said...

Nice post. I work in Union Trust Building and attend many, many administrative court settings in Wainwright. Let's just say Wainwright is in much better shape than our office space at Union Trust.

LisaS said...

i'll be sure to enjoy that the next time i go to a game. ;) altho, i must say that one of the delights of Rome & similar cities is discovering amazing buildings in the maze of the fabric.