Although not in any historic district, the buildings are within the 10th Ward Preservation Review district. The city's Cultural Resources Office has denied the demolition permits. The owners of the buildings have appealed. The proposed new use is unknown to this writer.
The Preservation Board will consider the appeal at its monthly meeting on November 23 at 4:00 p.m. (The meeting takes place downtown at 1015 Locust Street, 12th floor.)
Citizens can testify on the matter at the meeting or send comments to:
Preservation Board c/o
Adonna Buford, Secretary
1015 Locust Street, Suite 1100
St. Louis, MO 63101
Alderman Joseph Vollmer
Board of Aldermen
Room 230
City Hall
1200 Market Street
St. Louis, MO 63103
WTF??? The preservation board will be hearing from me.
I removed a comment about the restaurant's quality. No offense, but the focus here needs to be on the preservation issue.
Southwest St. Louis does not prioritize historic preservation. If you live in Southwest city, that's you.
Demolitions to remember:
The Arena for an office complex
Southtown Famous for a strip center
Art Deco condos for a Walgreens
Redbird Lanes for Walgreens
People in Southwest City would rather have the freedom to tear down and rebuild than have their options hemmed in by historic preservation.
They would likely say that none of the above, with the possible exception of the old Arena, should even be considered "historic".
Isn't it ironic? One of the most intact sections of St. Louis city doesn't prioritize historic preservation.
I happen to like the restaurant and spend a lot of money in the area. I'll be there definitely.
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