Here's how the internet works. I visit a blog that I enjoy and see a photograph that includes two large buildings labeled "Shapleigh Hardware." I think, that must have been one big company, so I look it up on said internet. Yup, was a big company that - way back when - bought out another St. Louis hardware manufacturer called Simmons. Simmons made "Keen Kutter" scissors. I daily use my mom's old sewing scissors that are Keen Kutters - they are the sharpest scissors in this house and they were a wedding gift some 50-odd years ago. They were made after the buyout because I just looked at them and they have "Shapleigh" as part of the logo.
Turns out the best tool I have in my collection (the scissors) are also "collectables." Whatever, they're good scissors.
Smash it all down and put up a Walgreen's... one with a drive-through pharmacy and Christmas parking. Historic architecture is stupid. Smash it all down. Build more surface parking, and widen all of the roads. Shut down public transit and close all of the public schools long enough to disperse the kids and destroy all of the buildings. Put up some more gas stations and big box retail. Re-elect mayor Slay.
Post more o' these, if ya got 'em!
Here's how the internet works. I visit a blog that I enjoy and see a photograph that includes two large buildings labeled "Shapleigh Hardware." I think, that must have been one big company, so I look it up on said internet. Yup, was a big company that - way back when - bought out another St. Louis hardware manufacturer called Simmons. Simmons made "Keen Kutter" scissors. I daily use my mom's old sewing scissors that are Keen Kutters - they are the sharpest scissors in this house and they were a wedding gift some 50-odd years ago. They were made after the buyout because I just looked at them and they have "Shapleigh" as part of the logo.
Turns out the best tool I have in my collection (the scissors) are also "collectables." Whatever, they're good scissors.
I love the internet.
Look at what we lost...
Smash it all down and put up a Walgreen's... one with a drive-through pharmacy and Christmas parking. Historic architecture is stupid. Smash it all down. Build more surface parking, and widen all of the roads. Shut down public transit and close all of the public schools long enough to disperse the kids and destroy all of the buildings. Put up some more gas stations and big box retail. Re-elect mayor Slay.
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