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Monday, March 30, 2009

Storefront Addition: "Plumber"

The storefront at 3747 Arsenal Street in Benton Park West is an addition to a small, two-room side-gabled brick house built in 1880. The 1903 Sanborn fire insurance map shows the storefront addition marked "plumber." The storefront here is free of major changes, with its glazing in a historic (although not likely to be original) configuration. The building is now for sale.


Brian said...

It's listed at only $24k too - even in this economy, that's a good deal.

Matt Kastner said...

This place is a mess though. I used to work with the agent who sold it last (2007) and it went for only $17,000 back then. It needs so much work that even the floor joists will likely need to be replaced. Not to say that isn't a fair enough price, but good luck getting funding for that rehab.