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Tuesday, January 3, 2006

Free Bricks

From CraigsList St. Louis comes this ad:

I have Two 2-story Brick houses that i would like demolitioned. The bricks are yours to keep as long as the property is demolitioned and all debris removed by way of dumping at an official/legitamite dumping site. Must obtain proper permits & adhere to city code & regulations.

Please only reply if you have the equipment for this job and proof of your ability to complete the job as well as remove all bricks from the site.

Thank you.

Now, I wonder if this person knows about the city's preservation review ordinance. Of course, there's a good chance that the ward in which these homes are located is exempt from review.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Doubt they'll get a real taker. The bricks are usually part of a very small demo deal that costs the property owner $5K or so.