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Monday, December 11, 2006

How Much Excitement?

Does anyone else find it troubling that the website for 600 Washington -- the phoenix-like project rising from St. Louis Centre -- conspicuously does not mention demolition of the skybridge over Locust Street while extolling the views opened by demolishing the skybridge over Washington Avenue?

Does this mean that the skybridge over Locust will remain -- horrible news for the disconnected blocks of that street -- or simply that marketers assume that people don't care about the view down Locust?


Anonymous said...


Are you suggesting they might not be bringing down the skybridge, or are you bemoaning its potential demise?

Anonymous said...

From the NY Times article in October:
"He also plans to eliminate the sky bridges that connect the building to its former department store anchors, Famous-Barr (now Macy’s) and the Stix, Baer & Fuller building."

Michael R. Allen said...

I am noting that the most recent talk of Pyramid's plans has not included a plan for demolishing the Locust skybridge.

That skybridge is terrible, and due to the width of Locust there, a worse blight than the Washington skybridge. Both need to come down as soon as possible.

Anonymous said...

Sheesh, sorry dude. I was reading so fast, I just automatically thought you were referring to the Washington Avenue skybridge.

I don't remember the plan announcing the removal of the Locust skybridge.

If that were true, it'd be great. Maybe it's not?

Anonymous said...

To answer you question more directly, I think the current website just overlooks the Locust skybridge. There's not really a lot of information on the site and the Washington Avenue bridge is more prominent and seems to have been the source of more ire.

Doug Duckworth said...

I hope they tear it down. It makes the experience of walking on Locust confined.

Anonymous said...

Both should come down, but Washington is more dire of a priority with its urban canyon more intact.

Although I still like to see its skybridge come down too, Locust has less dramatic views. To the east, there is a parking garage, where even the ground-floor former Woolworth's was converted to more parking, the vacant Mercantile Library and the Federal Reserve's malled 400 block. To the west, there is US Bank's circle-drive on the site of the demolished Ambassador Theater and multiple blocks of surface parking both on the corner of 7th and the full half block between 8th and 9th that could have been the garage-mahal site, but is still saved for even more open space downtown.