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Friday, May 25, 2007

KWMU Runs Story on McKee's North Side Plans

North siders worry about big tax break plan - Matt Sepic for KWMU (MP3 available)

The story features interviews with Michael Allen, Mayor Francis Slay and Old North St. Louis Restoration Group Exceutive Director Sean Thomas.


Doug Duckworth said...

Slay's smokescreen of misinformation does not obfuscate the truth. This project is not infill and rehabs. This is widescale urban renewal by the suburban lobby that places utility upon redefining the North Side in its own image.

If this project is infill and rehabs then why has McKee allowed his buildings to decline? Why has he already began demolition? Why is he allowing brick rustlers to destroy his investment?

He wants the State to foot the bill for his pet project, while the City leadership places a stamp of approval on predictable failure. As long as campaign finances roll in there will be no objection.

Anonymous said...

What exactly did Slay promise in the interview? That houses already rehabbed would not be demolished?

Well, in case he didn't notice, most of the beautiful houses in that area still need to be rehabbed. That's what people are talking about. McKee would never get away with tearing down Old North's rehabbed homes. The issue is what about the rest of the area? Slay is quiet.

Anonymous said...

Interesting that Sean Thomas wouldn't talk about McKee specifically.