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Friday, July 7, 2006

Post Slacks on Coverage of the Turnverein Fire

The Associated Press had a great story on the Turnverein fire. Which daily papers ran it?

The Belleville News-Democrat, on the front page of its July 6 St. Louis edition.

The Kansas City Star. The Columbia Daily Tribune.

Guess which daily paper did not run the AP story, while also not updating its own scant coverage. That's right, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, which had earlier ran the pathetic headline "Firefighters battle blaze at old athletics complex."

Once again, the Belleville News-Democrat has better coverage of the city of St. Louis than the Post.

1 comment:

Doug Duckworth said...

While watching the World Cup, I had a conversation with a friend about the STLPD.

It seems they really do not have good coverage.

The front page was a story about baking I believe (I do not read the paper myself), and this was right after North Korea launched the missles.

Perhaps competition could increase the quality of the STLPD?

The local TV media is quite lacking as well. I wonder how bad their ratings would drop if the murder rate in St. Louis was cut in half?